Sourdough Starter: How Much Should You Use for Baking?

Venturing into the world of sourdough baking can be both exciting and daunting, especially when it comes to deciphering recipes and understanding how much starter you need. Here, we dive into the intricacies of determining the optimal amount of sourdough starter for your baking adventures.

The amount of sourdough starter used in baking varies based on the recipe and desired fermentation time. Typically, most sourdough bread recipes call for 10% to 30% starter relative to the recipe’s flour’s weight. Always refer to the specific recipe and adjust based on desired dough behavior and ambient conditions.

1. Understanding Bakers’ Percentages

In the world of baking, precision is paramount. That’s where the “bakers’ percentages” system comes into play, an integral tool that offers bakers clarity and consistency. Instead of being puzzled by varying amounts in different recipes, this method standardizes the procedure by always referring back to the weight of the flour as a baseline. 

Flour’s weight in the recipe is set as the 100% marker, and every other ingredient in the recipe is measured in relation to this.

For instance, when a recipe specifies an ingredient as 20%, it’s a direct reflection of its weight against the flour’s. In numerical terms, if you’re working with 100 grams of flour, a 20% ingredient addition would equate to 20 grams. This system, apart from ensuring precision, aids in easy scalability of recipes, whether you’re baking a small personal loaf or a bulk order for an event.

2. General Rule of Thumb

Typically, sourdough recipes hover in the range of 10% to 30% starter, in relation to the weight of the flour

Why the range? It comes down to the desired fermentation speed, taste profile, and the specific characteristics of the bread being made. A lower percentage might result in a slower fermentation and milder taste, while a higher percentage can lead to a faster fermentation and tangier flavor.

If you’re crafting a bread with 500 grams of flour, this rule of thumb suggests that your starter weight could fall between 50 grams (for a 10% addition) to 150 grams (for a 30% addition). This guideline, of course, remains flexible, with the exact quantity influenced by the baker’s goals and the recipe’s unique nuances.

3. Variables to Consider

a. Recipe Type 

The type of bread or baked good you’re aiming to create plays a pivotal role in determining the amount of starter required. Recipes like pizza doughs or flatbreads, which generally don’t necessitate a pronounced rise or long fermentation times, might call for a lower starter percentage. 

On the flip side, a classic sourdough loaf, with its characteristic rise and depth of flavor, usually demands a larger starter input.

b. Desired Fermentation Time

The amount of starter you incorporate is directly proportional to fermentation speed. If you’re on a tight schedule and aiming for a quick turnaround, a higher starter quantity can expedite the fermentation process. 

However, if you’re aiming for nuanced flavors that develop over extended fermentation, a lower starter percentage would be apt, letting the dough slowly mature and evolve.

c. Ambient Temperature 

The environmental temperature is like a speed control dial for fermentation. In warmer climates or during hot seasons, fermentation races ahead, with yeasts working overtime. If left unchecked, this can lead to over-fermentation, affecting the bread’s flavor and structure. 

A prudent approach in such situations might be to decrease the starter amount. Conversely, during colder times, the sluggish fermentation might necessitate a more generous addition of starter to stimulate activity.

d. Desired Sourness 

The tanginess of bread is influenced by fermentation duration and starter quantity. Breads with smaller starter amounts ferment longer, leading to increased organic acids from bacterial fermentation. In contrast, breads with larger starters ferment rapidly, providing less time for acid accumulation.

The less starter you use, the longer the fermentation time and the bread tend to develop a deeper sourish flavor.

4. Liquid vs. Stiff Starter

The hydration of your starter can affect the quantity needed. A 100% hydration starter (equal parts water and flour by weight) is common and what most recipes refer to. However, if you maintain a stiffer or more liquid starter, you’ll need to adjust both the amount and the recipe’s other liquid components. 

Using a stiffer starter implies it has less water content than its liquid counterpart. So, if you’re incorporating a stiff starter into a recipe designed for a 100% hydration starter, you’ll need to ramp up the additional water in the recipe to strike the right dough consistency. 

On the other hand, a more liquid starter will bring in extra moisture, thus potentially requiring a reduction in the recipe’s other liquid components to ensure the dough isn’t too wet.

5. Observing the Dough

Remember, recipes and percentages serve as guides. The ultimate test is the dough itself. If it is fermenting too quickly, reduce the amount of starter (it could be that your starter is very strong or the temperature is on the warmer side. If the dough is fermenting too slowly, increase the amount of starter (it could be due to a weak starter, or a cooler temperature).

In Conclusion

While there’s science behind sourdough, there’s also art. The amount of starter you use can vary based on numerous factors. As you continue your sourdough journey, take notes, make adjustments, and find what works best for your environment, ingredients, and taste preferences. Over time, you’ll develop an intuitive feel for the perfect amount of starter to use, making each loaf a testament to your growing skills and expertise.


Hey there! I'm Sam, your go-to pal for all things sourdough. I've been baking and kneading for 10 fun-filled years, and I can't wait to share the joy of turning simple ingredients into heavenly sourdough bread with you. Grab your apron and let's dive into this amazing world of sourdough bread together on this blog.

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